Dr. Dragan Dabic Healing from Within: The Ever Increasing Need for Alternative Viewpoints in the Modern World.

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Welcome to the Official Web Site of Dr. Dragan Dabic

Dr. Dragan "David" Dabic rodjen je pre nekih sest decenija u srpskom selu Kovaci pokraj Kraljeva. Kao dete sa svojim dedom voleo je da istrazuje okolne sume i planine, i mnogo vremena je provodio na obliznjoj planini Kopaonik gde je brao lekovite trave. Kao mladic otisao je trbuhom za kruhom u Beograd, odakle je presao u Rusiju gde je na Moskovskom univerzitetu diplomirao medicinu (spec. za Psihijatriju). Posle Rusije Dr. Dabic je putovao po Indiji i Japanu, da bi se konacno skrasio u Kini gde je usavrsio razne grane tzv. alternativne medicine, sa posebnim osvrtom na kontrolu izmedju mozga i tela, meditaciju, Yogu, duhovnu prosvecenost i ciscenje, kao i Kinesko bilje. Sredinom 90ih godina prosloga veka, Dr. Dabic se za stalno vratio u majku Srbiju, i od tada je izrastao u jednog od najeminentnijih strucnjaka u polju alternativne medicine, bioenergetike i makrobioticke ishrane na podrucju Balkana gdje je redovan kontributor mnogih strucnih casopisa, i gost mnogih televizijskih emisija, javnih seminara, tribina i simpozijuma (Beograd, Novi Sad, Pancevo, Sombor, Smederevo, Kikinda...) iz te oblasti. Dr. Dragan Dabic zivi na Novom Beogradu u ulici Jurija Gagarina, a za strucne pozive, televizijske nastupe ili privatne konsultacije mozete mu se obratiti direktno na sledecu adresu: zacelivanjerana @ dragandabic . com

Dr. Dragan "David" Dabic was born some six decades ago in a small Serbian village of Kovaci, near Kraljevo. As a young boy he liked to explore nearby forests and mountains, spending a lot of time on Kopaonik mountain where he tended to pick the omnipresent, natural and potent medicinal herbs that grew at those green pastures. As a young man he moved to Belgrade, and then on to Moscow where he graduated with a Doctor of Medicine degree (spec. in Psychiatry) at the Moscow State University (Lomonosov). After Russia, Dr. Dabic travelled around India and Japan, after which he settled in China where he specialized in alternative medicine, with a special emphasis on the mind-body control, meditation, Yoga, spiritual cleansing, as well as Chinese herbs. In mid-1990s Dr. Dabic returned back to mother Serbia for good, and ever since then emerged as one of the most prominent experts in the field of alternative medicine, bioenergy, and macrobiotic diet in the whole of the Balkans, and is frequent contributor to the regional alternative health magazines, and guest expert with numerous TV appearances and on many public forums, seminars and symposiums (Belgrade, Novi Sad, Pancevo, Sombor, Smederevo, Kikinda...) dedicated to these issues and topics.

Dr. Dragan Dabic currently resides on Yury Gagarin street in New Belgrade, but for public forum invitations, television appearances or private consultations he can be reached directly at the following contact:

healingwounds @ dragandabic . com

10 omiljenih drevnih Kineskih izreka izabranih licno od doktora Dabica:

- Iza svakoga coveka koji moze, postoje drugi ljudi koji mogu.

- Ucitelj otvara vrata, ali vi ulazite sami.

- Mudar covek donosi svoje odluke, glup sledi javno mnenje.

- Onaj koji ne moze da se dogovori sa svojim neprijateljima je onaj koga neprijatelji kontrolisu.

- Ako ste slabasni, ne nosite tesko breme. Ako su vase reci prazne, ne delite pridike.

- Necisti dijamant je bolji nego obican kamen.

- Ucenje je blago koje prati vlasnika svuda.

- Ako planirate za godinu, zasadite rizu; ako planirate za deceniju, zasadite drvece; ako planirate za vecnost, naucite ljude.

- Ne mozete spreciti tuzne ptice da lete iznad vase glave, ali ih mozete sprecite da ne saviju gnezdo u vasoj kosi.

- Onaj koji proda roda svoga, neka dve rake iskopa.

10 favorite ancient Chinese proverbs as selected personally by Dr. Dabic:

- Behind every able man, there are always other able men.

- Teacher opens the door, but you must enter by yourself.

- A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows the public opinion.

- He who cannot agree with his enemies is controlled by them.

- If your strength is small, don't carry heavy burdens. If your words are worthless, don't give advice.

- A flawed diamond is better than a common stone that is perfect.

- Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.

- If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, teach people.

- You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair.

- The one who gives up his own, should dig two graves.